HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator Training
How is the course structured?
The HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator training is a dynamic course accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and is suited to different student's requirements.
What do I get?
In addition to the training itself, you will receive your own copy of the text, an MP3, Couples Handbook, a 70-page class syllabus, scripts and class outlines, 6 posters. You will also have access to a Educators DropBox with HypnoBirthing videos, extra scripts, miscellaneous forms and handouts.
What will I learn?
This course will teach you:
An understanding of the workings of the body’s own natural “epidural”
Relaxation techniques that eliminate the Fear-Tension Syndrome
An understanding of why women in other cultures have easier, more comfortable birthings
How the mother’s body is designed to work in neuromuscular harmony with nature
Proven hypnotic techniques to bring about easier, more comfortable labour and birthing
How to eliminate fear and replace it with confidence and understanding
The source of the myth that pain is a necessary accompaniment in normal birthing
How to teach the birthing companion hypnotic rapport
Specific techniques of hypnotic anesthesia
The three stages of labour
Relaxation skills for each Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods.
And much more!
HypnoBirthing Educator Course Content
You will learn:
Applications of hypnosis
Attitudes about hypnosis
Basics of brainwave activity
Laws of the mind
Rationale for hypnosis in birthing
Understanding clients’ learning styles
Direct and permissive hypnosis approaches
Dangers of unqualified therapy
Steps to achieve hypnosis
Mind/Body associations and applications
Judging trance depth
Guidelines for achieving change
Eye fixation/closure
Elman Ericksonian & Shanti leads
Eyelift conversion lead
Deepening techniques
Post-hypnotic suggestions
Awakening and alerting
You will learn about:
The beautiful female birthing body
Anatomy of the female reproductive system
Internal & external structures
Conception and early foetal development
Characteristics of the uterus - Fundus, Body & Cervix
The baby’s support system - Amniotic sac, Placenta & Umbilical cord
Three trimesters of pregnancy
Physical changes during pregnancy
Foetal positioning during pregnancy
Turning breech presented babies
Labour signals - Normal & Unanticipated
Characteristics of managed labour
Characteristics of HypnoBirthing labour
Onset of labour - Spontaneous & Induction techniques
Foetal positioning during birth
Labour stages as defined in typical birthing
Labour phases as defined in HypnoBirthing
Mother directed birthing
Course Content HypnoBirthing Educator Workshop
You will learn about:
The philosophy and beginnings of HypnoBirthing
How the uterus works in birthing
What’s wrong with labour
How fear affects labour
The origin of fear and pain in labour
Prenatal bonding and fetology
Preparing the mind for birth
Hypnosis deepening and visualization
Releasing fear
Preparing the body for birthing
Building a partnership with care providers
Turning breech-presented babies
Looking at the “due date”
Avoiding artificial induction
Preparing the birth plan
How the body prepares for birth
Preparing medical care providers
The onset of labour
Perinatal bonding
Breathing through labour
Breathing with birth
Bonding with the baby
After your training, you will be asked to submit an assignment for marking, to assess your understanding of the course and submit a case study. If you pass, you will then be accepted as a certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator (HBCE).
To maintain your certification status, you will also be required to undertake a certain amount of continuing professional development – full details will be provided if you decide to train.
When are the next courses?
You can find details of all the currently scheduled courses on our bookings page. You can also register for notification of future courses as soon as they are arranged.
What is the format of the training course?
All trainees are required to complete the following:
Four Day HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator Course
If you are not a birth professional (midwife, doula or obstetrician) you must complete the following:
Four Day HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator Course
Introduction to Birthing Basics (stand alone 1 day live taught course OR distance learning package).